Purified protein injected into the muscles that cause wrinkles. It relaxes the muscles, giving your face a more refreshed appearance. It can be used as a treatment of wrinkles or a preventative treatment of deep wrinkling of the skin. The injectable enhances your unique look without sacrificing the natural expressions in your face. It is intended to enhance your look, not change it, you can still smile, frown and be expressive. The treatment is quick and simple with no downtime.
The injectable will gradually disappear until the treated area regains movement and muscle becomes strong again. Which why it is important in order to keep the muscle relaxed we need to continue treating the area. Frown lines are vertical wrinkles on the forehead that appear between the eyebrows. This is not totally related to the aging process.
Because frown lines are created by facial expression and movement, they can start to appear at a younger age. Therefore these injections can be used to prevent the deep line formation. There are several factors in addition to facial expression, that can cause or worsen the appearance of frown lines including sun exposure, aging, smoking and repeated facial expression. Effective treatments for this area can help by reducing the muscle activity, which can help smooth wrinkles and create a refreshed appearance.

Individual results may vary.

Individual results may vary.